Our very own LCS Astro Extended Range Folding Antenna gives up to one full mile of additional coverage to track your long range pointers or hound dogs with your Garmin Astro 220 or 320, for up to 3 total miles of range. Simply unscrew your existing Astro antenna and replace with this model for 17 1/2 in. of tracking power when fully extended. Yet it folds down to a convenient 4 in. along the transmitter’s side, shorter than the transmitter itself, to place on a lanyard or in your pocket. For use with the Garmin DC-20, DC-30 or DC-40 GPS tracking collars.
Looking for the longest range antenna for your Garmin Astro? The Astro Long Range Antenna doubles the tracking distance from your original antenna, for up to 4 miles of total coverage.